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find an internship or professional job with and TIA

TIA - Tech Internship and Study Abroad, is a placement agency which provides matches to paid internships or job opportunities for international students

TIA works with the most up-and-coming companies across Europe
and we have a personal relationship with all of them, ensuring that
you will find yourself in a safe, secure environment where you will be
nurtured and challenged to grow in a variety of ways.

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Supporting Students Abroad

Deciding to do an Internship Abroad within an Erasmum program is a great decision. Choosing to do an internship in Barcelona Spain would be an amazing location to gain practical work experience. At Tech Internships Abroad we help students to find the right placement no matter what you are studying

Internship Placement Duration

An Erasmus placement usually has an duraction period of 6-12 months. Please speak to your Careers Advisors to confirm how long you can take your internship for. An Internship Learning Agreement is compulsary to be signed between the host company and the university.

Financial Budgeting Abroad

Please make sure that you have confirmed your Erasmus Grant has been secured with your university. All of our internships provided are paid placements. We will also help you to find student accommodation and to obtain any legal documentations required to be in Barcelona, Mainly the NIE & Social Security Numbers. You should also do some research on the economy of the country you are deciding to intern in.


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find an internship or professional job with and TIA

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