Hi there, and welcome to Erasmus Barcelona by WELOVEBCN.
Are coming to Barcelona?
Looking forward to start this amazing andventure and meet new friends?
Erasmus Barcelona and WELOVEBCN is the number 1º organization for erasmus students in Barcelona for events parties, trips, meetups.
The most frequent questions of students who had to face an erasmus experience are:
What to do upon arrival?
Where should I go?
How do I find flatmates?
How do I meet new students like you straight on?
First thing to do is join our welcome week: don't miss an event, meet new friends and find student like you who are looking for new friends and start a new adventure with new people.
from 1 September to to 1 October we host welcome events every week to engage all new upcoming students. Students come up every day during September, October and November, thats why we start early and never stop.
follow up our events to stay tuned
Chek events all the time: EVENTS
Facebook: Erasmus Barcelona on Facebook
Instagram: Erasmus Barcelona on Instagram
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/34677102489
Looking forward, and meet the Erasmus Barcelona crew: the guys from WELOVEBCN organization Giorgio, Dany and Kadir can't wait to see you there!
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